How To Put A Ramp Over Stairs


Adding a wheelchair ramp to a home is a game-changer for accessibility. In this guide, we'll focus on purchased ramps, both modular and portable, offering practical solutions to transform entry steps or stairs into user-friendly pathways for wheelchairs, motorized scooters, or walkers.

pvi multifold wheelchair ramp on steps

Portable Ramps: Effortless Mobility over Stairs

Portable ramps, whether folding or non-folding, are a common choice when it comes to making staircases accessible and you don't want a permanent solution. These ramps are specially designed to bridge the gap over steps, providing a quick and convenient solution for individuals with mobility challenges.

Folding Ramps can be easily transported and stored, making them an excellent choice for those who need a portable solution for steps or stairs in different locations.

Non-Folding portable ramps offer a stable, one-piece design that can be set up in seconds, ensuring that ascending or descending steps is a smooth process. These lightweight, step-specific ramps offer users, caregivers, and visitors an easy way to navigate stairs with confidence and independence.

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guldmann portable folding ramp on 3 steps in front of a house
pvi xp modular ramp picture over 3 steps

Modular Ramps: A Permanent Stairway to Mobility

For a more permanent and steadfast solution to overcome a staircase, Modular Ramps are the answer. These ramps are custom-built to address the unique requirements of staircases, providing a long-lasting and resilient pathway for wheelchairs, scooters, and walkers.

Unlike portable ramps, modular ramps are constructed to stay in place, with materials like Aluminum or steel ensuring durability. While they may necessitate professional installation, modular ramps are the perfect choice for creating a permanent and secure entry over stairs. Whether it's your home or business, these ramps offer a reliable and lasting solution for making your stairs wheelchair-accessible and enhancing overall accessibility.

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Pre Purchase Considerations

  • Weight Capacity: Ensure the ramp can support the weight of the user and any mobility equipment (e.g., wheelchairs, scooters).
  • Indoor vs. Outdoor Use: Decide whether you need a ramp for indoor or outdoor stairs, as different materials and features are suitable for each.
  • Foldable vs. Permanent: Determine if you want a portable, foldable ramp for occasional use or a permanent modular ramp for long-term accessibility.
  • Surface Material: Consider the ramp's surface material for traction and durability (e.g., aluminum, rubber, or fiberglass).  Al ramps that you will find at Reliable Ramps have No Slip Traction built into the ramp so you won't have to worry about slipping.
  • Ease of Installation: Evaluate your DIY skills and whether you require professional installation for modular ramps.
  • Regulations and Codes: Familiarize yourself with local building codes and ADA Guidelines to ensure compliance.
  • User's Mobility: Assess the specific needs of the user, including the type of mobility equipment and any additional assistance required.
  • Budget: Set a budget for your ramp, taking into account both the initial cost and any potential installation expenses.
  • Maintenance: Consider the level of maintenance required to keep the ramp in good condition over time.
  • User-Friendly Features: Look for ramps with safety features such as handrails, non-slip surfaces, and easy-to-use mechanisms.
  • Warranty and Customer Support: Research the manufacturer's warranty and the availability of customer support for your chosen ramp.

These considerations will help you make an informed decision when selecting the right ramp to install over your stairs, ensuring it meets your specific needs and provides a safe and accessible solution.

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alumiramp folding portable ramp in front of house with american flag
alumiramp armada modular ramp

Site Preparations

Before you begin the installation of a ramp over your steps, it's crucial to lay a solid foundation through site preparation where needed.

This initial step paves the way for a secure and user-friendly ramp setup. Be sure to consider the following three steps, as well as any other steps that may be pertinent for your specific requirement.

  1. Start by clearing the area of any obstacles, debris, or tripping hazards to ensure a smooth and unobstructed pathway.
  2. Next, meticulously assess the ground's levelness, as an even surface is important for a safe and accessible transition. If your location isn't level, consider grading the ground or using wedges to achieve the desired slope.
  3. Lastly, keep an eye out for any drainage issues to prevent water pooling beneath the ramp, which can lead to slippery conditions.

Site preparation not only ensures the safety of your ramp installation but also sets the stage for a durable and dependable accessibility solution that will serve you well in the long run.

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Installation Instructions

When it comes to setting up your ramp correctly, one of the most important steps is simple yet often overlooked: reading and following the manufacturer's instructions. These guidelines are your roadmap to a successful installation that guarantees safety and functionality. Each ramp is designed with specific features and requirements, and the manufacturer's instructions are tailored to those unique characteristics.

For even the basic of ramps for your stairs, take the time to carefully read and understand the steps provided in the manual, whether you're installing a Folding Portable Ramp or a Modular Ramp designed for permanent use.

Following these instructions closely ensures that the ramp is set up at the appropriate angle, height, and stability, providing a dependable solution for accessibility needs. Skipping this step may lead to incorrect installation, jeopardizing the safety of users and potentially causing damage to the ramp itself.

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lady reading instruction manual with screw driver blog picture
man setting up pvi wheel-a-bout ramp at his house

Safety Guidelines

Safety is critical when it comes to using wheelchair ramps over stairs, whether they're portable or modular. These ramps are vital tools for accessibility, but their effectiveness hinges on proper usage.

Users must always exercise caution, especially on inclines and declines, to prevent accidents. Non-slip surfaces, handrails, and secure mounting play a critical role in ensuring safe transitions.

Regular Maintenance and Inspections are equally essential to keep ramps in top condition. By prioritizing safety, we can enjoy the convenience of ramps while maintaining a secure and reliable means of navigating stairs and inclines.

To maintain the safety of wheelchair ramps, focus on two key aspects: surface traction and weight distribution. Keep the ramp's surface free of debris, leaves, or moisture that can compromise traction. Always ensure proper weight distribution by following guidelines and limits specified by the ramp's manufacturer. Overloading can pose a safety hazard and lead to damage. By regularly maintaining secure, slip-resistant surfaces and being mindful of weight distribution, you can ensure that your ramp remains a dependable, risk-free solution for accessible and safe mobility.

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Using The Ramp

When using a ramp for mobility equipment over stairs, do so at a comfortable pace so as to remain safe. For those ramps equipped with handrails, hold onto them for stability, especially when ascending or descending.

Approach the ramp straight on, maintaining a steady speed and leaning slightly forward for balance. Ensure your mobility equipment is correctly positioned on the ramp, whether it's a wheelchair, scooter, or other device, and engage the brakes if available. When using a wheelchair, keep a firm grip on the wheels to control your descent. For ramps without handrails, extra caution is advised. Keep a low center of gravity, and lean forward slightly to maintain balance. Ensure your device's tires or wheels are in excellent condition for proper traction.

By following these guidelines, users can navigate ramps safely and effectively, regardless of the presence of handrails, ensuring a smooth and secure transitions.

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PVI On Trac ramp over 4 steps at a house


Adding a wheelchair ramp to your home over a set of stairs is a huge asset to have. We've explored different ramps, both portable and modular, which offer practical solutions to turn entry steps into user-friendly pathways for wheelchairs, motorized scooters, or walkers.

From pre-purchase considerations that address the unique needs of your staircase to meticulous site preparation, we've laid the groundwork for a successful ramp installation. By emphasizing the importance of following manufacturer instructions, we've ensured that your ramp is set up correctly and securely. Our discussion on safety guidelines highlights the significance of maintaining slip-resistant surfaces and adhering to weight distribution limits. And finally, we've provided guidance on how to safely and effectively use a ramp, whether equipped with handrails or not, ensuring that your journey over stairs is one of both convenience and safety.

With these insights and tips, you're well-equipped to begin your goal toward a more accessible and inclusive living space.

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